Wednesday, 18 January 2017

The idea of progress: quality and quantity

Quality versus Quantity



Mobile phones have been invented in the 70's by the company Motorola. Since those years, mobile phones have changed a lot. When they were created, mobile phones were harder to get, because it was a new invention, but since that time, more people get phones until it became one of the most important things people use in their dailylife. Even if mobile phones are one of the best inventions humans have invented, everybody probably noticed that even if more people manage to get phones easily, they are not as good as they were before. 
In our first document, we see the purcentage of people that owns a mobile phone in 2013 and in 2017.  We can see that just in 5 years that number increased a lot. Nowadays, the mobile phone became such an useful tool in our society, but those technological advices are not as good as we think. Every new phone that is selt in the trade, is with the years, more and more breakable. This is because of the planned obsolescence. 

The planned obsolescence is a purposefully implemented strategy that ensures the current version of a given product wil become out-of-date or useless within a known time period.

The second document I have chosen is kind of a parody of this planned obsolescence. In that document we see a mobile phone of a few years ago and a new one. We can conclude that the new phone is more fragile than the old one, because it describes what it could happen if the two mobile phones fall to the floor. The new one breaks his screen, and the old one breaks the floor. Saying this, the author wants to criticize the "strongness" of the new technological inventions.